
  • Teodora Gechkova Department National and Regional Security, UNWE, Bulgaria
  • Tiana Kaleeva Department National and Regional Security, UNWE, Bulgaria


PESTLE analysis, Critical infrastructure, Harbour security, Behavioral analysis programs


The aim of the following article is to present the PESTLE analysis with its general concept and role which is to provide valuable information about the external factors that affect a given organization, industry or whole infrastructure. It also outlines the components of the analysis (the six factors – political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental), the main five steps of conduction, as well as, some positive and negative aspects of its implementation. The publication concentrates on the harbour infrastructure as a part of the critical infrastructure and the importance of preserving its security and safety in order to manage its everyday activities successfully. The harbour takes a significant role in the execution of the transportation industry’s responsibilities and provides different types of services from distribution of cargo items and packages to passengers traveling and shelter for vessels. In order to detect threats for the normal functioning of the harbour industry, a PESTLE analysis is presented with main indicators for each external factor that could influence positively or negatively the particular infrastructure:

  • Political – government policy, political stability, corruption, foreign trade policy;
  • Economic economic growth, change in interest level and foreign exchange rates, inflation and unemployment, expected economic changes;
  • Socialdemographic aspects, consumer preferences, security and defence, social-cultural differences;
  • Technologicaltechnological improvement, research and development, new technologies, international influence;
  • Legal laws and regulations, customer’s protection, copyright, patents and intellectual property;
  • Environmental climate change, environmental pollution, corporate social responsibility.

Last but not least, this article introduces the behavioral analysis programs as an instrument for detection of suspicious or hostile behavior which could be useful proactive measure for overcoming potential threats for the critical infrastructure outlined by the conduction of PESTLE analysis. The harbour as a crowded place with numerous vital assets and constructions on its territory and as a part of the critical infrastructure needs specific and effective measures for protection, and the behavioral analysis might be a suitable solution in achieving that. Besides positive aspects, some issues are presented concerning the implementation of the behavioral programs that should be taken into a consideration in advance.


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How to Cite

Gechkova, T., & Kaleeva, T. (2021). HARBOUR INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION – PESTLE ANALYSIS. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 49(5), 961–967. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/4508

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