
  • Faisal Saghir Trakia University, Faculty of Medicine – Stara Zagora, Bulgaria


covid-19, biomarkers, cardiac, imaging, symptoms


The objective of this research article is to provide an informed understanding on whether there is a direct correlation of the covid-19 viral infection and whether the implications of this viral infection can have an effect on the cardiovascular system, in specifically we will be analysing and researching the effect within those individuals who have recovered from the covid-19 infection. In addition to this, previous studies have shown a direct relationship between the covid-19 infection and the functional ability of the cardiovascular system with several different co-morbidities arising and various different markers which were analysed in order to gather a definitive diagnosis. The method utilized within this study was intended to take an un-biased and randomized sample of post covid-19 patients who had recovered from the viral infection 6 months from the onset of the coronavirus infection and via the utilization of different procedures such as ; echocardiography, biochemical lab testing, cardiac related stress tests and ultastrucutral and genomic analysis to determine whether there had been a significant adverse reaction of the cardiovascular system in terms of it’s effectiveness and efficacy. Within the study, all participants were stratified according to age, height, weight and body mass index in order to make the results credible and un-biased. From a sample of 50 post-covid recovered indidviduals, upon noting the relevant factors we saw that there was a direct relationship between the body mass index and the risk of increase cardiac co-morbidities as those patients who ranged from 28-35 as a reading for their body mass index were suffering from more co-morbidities directly from the covid infection such as ; hypertension, myocardial infarction, myocarditis, myocardial hypertrophy and valvular regurgitations as compared to those individuals who ranged from 19-25 as a reading for body mass index displayed no cardiac related symptoms, from the sample of people investigated they had suffered no cardiac related co-morbidities before the onset of their covid infection and had no genetically related cardiovascular history. In addition to this, on day 14 of post-covid recovery over 70% of individuals included in the sample reported complaints of chest tightness, angina, dyspnoea and excessive diaphoresis. Furthermore, on routine biochemical investigations it was noted the most prominent increase in cardiac biomarkers were displayed on days 6 and 18 upon medical discharge from the hospital and in specifically we saw an increase in cardiac biomarkers ; creatine-kinase-MB, troponin-t and troponin-I which were all elevated two-fold out of the normal indicated reference ranges. To summarize, from all the resultant data collected we can state there is a generalized link between the covid-19 viral infection and the effect this viral infection can have on the cardiovascular system due to the clinical presentation of many cardiovascular related abnormalities in patients who had no previous medical history, however, more research needs to be done in order to understand the pathophysiological mechanisms behind this relationship in order to make a definitive link between coronavirus and the cardiac-related complications presented in patients.


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How to Cite

Saghir, F. (2021). THE EFFECT OF POST-CORONAVIRUS SYNDROME ON A PATIENT’S CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 49(4), 653–659. Retrieved from