
  • Rumyana Yaneva Department of Health Economics, Faculty of Public Health "Prof. Tsekomir Vodenicharov, MD, DSc, Medical University - Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Anastas Cholakov Department of Health Economics, Faculty of Public Health "Prof. Tsekomir Vodenicharov, MD, DSc, Medical University - Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria


cardiovascular diseases, public opinion, economic problems, excises duties, losses


The purpose of the study is to conduct a public opinion survey on some of the economic problems affecting cardiovascular diseases.

Material and methods: Sociological method (individual anonymous survey); mathematical and statistical methods; tabular and graphical analyzes; analytical method for analysis and evaluation of the collected information. A sociological survey was conducted using the method of the individual anonymous survey. The survey was conducted through an online survey through the Google forms platform. Respondents were asked about their awareness of the economic problems that cause cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and whether excise duties on harmful goods should be raised, the increased use of which poses a risk of developing this type of disease. Dependencies were studied by the χ2 method.

Results and analysis: The analysis of the data shows that 2/3 of the respondents are familiar with the economic problems that cause CVDs, and approximately 1/2  of them believe that it is mandatory to raise excise duties on tobacco products, alcoholic beverages and harmful foods, which contribute to the development of this type of disease. Statistically dependent connections between the educational degree and the social status of the respondents and their attitude to the considered problems have been proved.

Discussion: Despite significant medical advances over the past few decades, cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of death worldwide and the number one cause in the European Union (EU). Overall, CVDs are estimated to cost the EU economy € 210 billion a year. Of the total expenditure on CVDs in the EU, around 53% (€ 111 billion) is due to healthcare costs, 26% (€ 54 billion) to lost productivity and 21% (€ 45 billion) to informal care for people with CVDs. Apart from being the main cause of death, CVDs are also one of the most important causes of disability and loss of years of active life. This leads to huge economic losses, which are both losses of the patient and his relatives, losses of the state and the health system and costs of society from premature loss of productive resources. In order to stop this unfavorable rise of CVDs, it is necessary to take effective measures to prevent them, especially at an early age.

Conclusion: According to data from the European Commission related to the health profile of the Republic of Bulgaria for 2019, there are a number of systemic problems in health care related to a comprehensive approach, including prevention, diagnosis and treatment of CVDs and a number of other diseases. In the first place among them is the widespread risk factors (smoking, alcohol use, unhealthy diet), which contributes to high morbidity and mortality.

Based on the obtained data, it becomes clear that with the increase of the educational level of the respondents, their opinion on the obligatory raising of the excise duties on tobacco products and harmful foods, which contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases, also increases.


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How to Cite

Yaneva, R., & Cholakov, A. (2021). PUBLIC OPINION SURVEY ON ECONOMIC PROBLEMS AFFECTING CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 49(4), 767–773. Retrieved from