
  • Petya Stefanova Prof. dr. Asen Zlatarov University – Burgas, Republic of Bulgaria
  • Galina Terzieva Prof. dr. Asen Zlatarov University–Burgas, Republic of Bulgaria


osteoporosis, risk factors, nurses, healthy life style


Introduction: Osteoporosis is a systemic skeletal disease characterized by decreased bone mass and disturbed of bone tissue. Falling or even minor injuries can cause fractures, most often in the neck of the femur and brachial bone, wrist or vertebrae of the spine. Osteoporosis affects both sexes and all races. But women after menopause (induced or spontaneous) are at the highest risk.

 Aim of the study: analysis and evaluation of behavioral choices in men and women at risk of osteoporosis.

Object of the research: attitudes and knowledge of the respondent group about the risk behavioral factors for osteoporosis.

Subject of the study: formation of positive behavioral choices for the prevention of osteoporosis in the target group of the study.

Research methods: documentary, sociological, statistical.

Scope of the study:  287 respondents - 260 women and 27 men aged 40 to over 75 years. Aspects of behavioral choices considered: smoking, alcohol use, coffee consumption and underweight and overweight.

Results and discussion: out of 287 respondents, 186/25 men and 161 women / do not fall into the risk group; 101 - 2 men and 99 women are at risk.

In the study "weight" factor in the risk group - 45.55% of respondents are overweight, and in the risk group - 34.95%. For the factor "coffee intake" the group at risk is 35.64%, and in the group without risk - 41.39% drink 2 or more coffees per day. With regard to alcohol use, the risk group and the non-risk group are about 25% with a slight predominance of the first group / about 0.50% /. In a study of the harmful behavioral habit of "smoking more than 5 cigarettes a day" the group of respondents at risk / 40.59% / exceeds by about 5% those who are outside the risk group.

Conclusions: The presence of harmful habits such as underweight and overweight, smoking, unhealthy diet and exercise deficiency affect the possibility of osteoporosis and increase the risk of disease and subsequent complications. Healthy behavioral choices, proper diet and exercise are factors in the prevention of osteoporosis.


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How to Cite

Stefanova, P., & Terzieva, G. (2021). ASPECTS OF BEHAVIORAL CHOICES FOR OSTEOPOROSIS PREVENTION. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 49(4), 779–783. Retrieved from