
  • Antoaneta Bayraktarova Medical University - Sofia, Bulgaria, Medical Center Dr. Hayvazov - Sofia
  • Aneta Rasheva Sofia University " St. Kliment Ohridski" -Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Vanina Mihaylova- Alakidi Medical University - Sofia, Bulgaria


arthroscopy, knee joint, quality of life, rehabilitation


Arthroscopy is a surgical method used to repair knee injuries with minimally invasive access and is among the most common lower extremity surgeries. The postoperative recovery period is shorter compared to the open operative technique. After a successful operation and properly performed rehabilitation, the patient's quality of life significantly improves. We followed 59 patients with knee arthroscopy in the early postoperative period and again after one year. The contingent of patients consisted of men and women aged 20 to 80 years. We asked them to complete a survey made by us, reflecting various aspects of quality of life for one year. The survey contains a demographic part and questions for registering changes in physical activity, risk profile, daily activities, pain and depression, the subjective assessment of the patient for his health, social activity, and more. Patients were interviewed during the first week of rehabilitation. After a year, they again filled out a survey in which we added several questions concerning satisfaction with the health system, rehabilitation services and recommendations for improving health care to their problems.


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How to Cite

Bayraktarova, A., Rasheva, A., & Mihaylova- Alakidi, V. (2021). RЕHABILITATION AND QUALITY OF LIFE AFTER ARTROSCOPIC INTERVENTIONS OF THE KNEE JOINT- OWN SURVEY. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 49(4), 791–796. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/4560