
  • Lazar Gjurov Military academy “General Mihailo Apostolski” – Skopje
  • Filip Stankovski Military academy “General Mihailo Apostolski” – Skopje
  • Bojan Miklosh Military academy “General Mihailo Apostolski” – Skopje


discipline, self-discipline, leadership, army, values


Self-discipline as part of the discipline is extremely important for military personnel, especially military leaders, in carrying out missions and achieving personal and collective goals. Proper and comprehensive practice of self-discipline enables military leaders to more easily integrate into military life and to accept and respond to the challenges that come with it. In order to achieve the goal of the research - to point out the importance and place of self-discipline as one of the key elements in military leadership, a survey of cadets at the Military Academy was conducted, which explores their experiences with self-discipline and the obstacles they face. It is through this research that this paper offers insights into the role and place of self-discipline in military leadership. The analysis of the research results shows that the respondents understand the need and importance of self-discipline in the Army and among military leaders, are aware that they should invest in themselves as future military leaders, especially in the way of thinking, setting goals and making decisions; in addition, they believe that more attention should be paid to self-discipline and it should be included as a topic for study at the Military Academy. What appears to be room for improvement in the survey conclusions is the manner of disciplining and directing for the improvement of cadets, as well as the observed lack of self-discipline among some of the instructors in charge of training and development of future elders. At the same time, there is a certain amount of paradox that relates to the high level of awareness of the importance of self-discipline among military leaders and the military, and the low level of self-discipline among individuals and the inertia of the disciplinary process. Regarding methods of discipline, the results of the survey in the background pointed to the fact that in order to create young and effective military leaders, leaders involved in the development process need to strive to awaken a love of discipline by be an example that success does not require perfectionism, but continuity and commitment and work on oneself. What remains а constant, regardless of the conclusions, is the fact that the timely achievement of goals is closely related to the level of self-discipline of the individual. At the same time, leading by personal example, which is most iconic for military leaders, is particularly dependent on the military leader's self-awareness and self-discipline to adhere to the rules imposed by military service


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How to Cite

Gjurov, L., Stankovski, F., & Miklosh, B. (2021). THE IMPORTANCE OF THE SELF-DISCIPLINE FOR THE SUCCESSFULLNESS OF THE MILITARY LEADERS. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 49(5), 979–984. Retrieved from