
  • Elvis Elezaj University “Haxhi Zeka” Peja, Kosovo
  • Bekë Kuqi University “Haxhi Zeka” Peja, Kosovo


Decision-making, organizational surround factors (OSF), differentiality and effectiveness


The purpose of the paper is, through the use of analysis of many factors, respectively factors of the managerial environment, to use them, and to make decisions as precisely and logically. The utilization of organizational surround factors analysis (OSF) brings to the surface a more rational way of thinking by identifying a few influencing factors such as: risk, uncertainty, dynamics, turbulence, intra-organizational conflicts and internationalization. All findings are obtained in direct linkage to the dependent variable decision making (DM). Solicitation of diverse models has reflected the important results such as the General Linear Model (GLM), Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Correlational Field Study (CFS). The findings have shown, that there is a clearest conjuncture between the external analysis (EA) that has been done and the effectiveness of decisions made in organizations. The influence of organizational surround factors (OSF) during the functioning of the organization has shown that managerial work and decision making is always affected by changes that occurs in the environment. Therefore, the main focus of the functioning of decision makers (DMs) is the identification of future (foresees) movements in time, building the adaptive mechanism and crafting ownself-differentiality in the industry. This study brings an analogous way of analyzing the weightiest factors of the organization's environment by applying mathematical-computing and empirical methods.


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How to Cite

Elezaj, E., & Kuqi, B. (2021). RATIONAL DECISION MAKING BASED ON ANALYZING ORGANIZATIONAL SURROUND FACTORS: A VIEW OF CRAFTING DIFFERENTIALITY AND EFFECTIVENESS IN KOSOVO ENTERPRISES. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 49(1), 41–45. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/4618

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