
  • Arta Kadriu University of Tetovo, North Macedonia
  • Elsana Aqifi University of Tetovo, North Macedonia


development, tourism industry, economy, management


Tourism is one of the industries that has a great impact on the economic development of the country, and we can freely decide this to play a key role in the development of a country.
In this scientific paper we have given more importance to the forms that affect the development of tourism after the pandemic disease COVID-19, from which not only the tourism industry but all industries suffered a significant loss, which will mean any development in any industry stagnated. However, after every obstacle, like every industry that tries to restore its development, tourism is restoring its development in many different forms.
Within the paper we have the analysis of tourism development at the global level and at the regional level.
The development elements used in the tourism industry help in the development of some types of tourism which have encountered difficulties in recent years. We have mentioned the rural tourism, this type of tourism is developing every day more and more, what is mostly noticed is that with the development of rural tourism and a number of tourists during visits to natural places they are helping their health after pandemic. From this it is clear that in addition to economic growth we also have health improvement with tourism development.
We also have a change in tourist offers, because of the restriction of movement abroad, we increase the development and attendance of domestic tourists within the country by getting acquainted with some tourist sites less visited earlier.
From this we conclude that the development of tourism within the country also plays the role of genuine marketing for the tourism potentials that this destination offers. It also affected the improvement of some conditions within the accommodation facilities and their adaptation to the current situation. Planning strategies play a key role in improving and developing tourism in existing tourist spots which are mostly frequented by tourists as well as highlighting new tourist spots to attract a significant number of new tourists.
Another element that is part of the tourist offer is the infrastructure, which includes roads, accommodation facilities, holiday stops along the way and many more. With the use of strategies for tourism development we come to the perfection of a tourist offer for a larger number of visits by foreign tourists. So every change that is made taking into account the protection of the living environment, flora and fauna, helps us in the growth of the economy and the development of the country. So the development of the country is important looking not only from the economic benefits but also from the preservation of the environment and the protection of the historical cultural heritage, because all these affect the creation of a tourist offer.
Within this paper we will explain in more detail all the impacts using SWOT analysis to see more clearly the strengths and weaknesses during the development of the tourism industry.


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How to Cite

Kadriu, A., & Aqifi, E. (2021). THE DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM INDUSTRY DURING COVID-19. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 48(1), 149–152. Retrieved from