
  • Nadina Đerahović-Muslija University in Sarajevo, Faculty of Health Studies, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina
  • Dijana Gupta University Džemal Bijedić, Mostar, Bosnia and Hercegovina
  • Sadžida Delić University in Sarajevo, Faculty of Health Studies, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina


inclusion, inclusive teaching, kids with dificulties in development, educational institution (EI)


The concept of inclusion started to be mentioned before two decades in aducational institutions. In the begining it has been watched with skepticism and like idea with short duration. Today, willingnes of educational institution to conduct that idea into work is reflecting through betternes, promoting quality of educational process and rehabilitation of kids with difficulties in development. With determination of institution, parents, and different non government organisayionsthis project got on importance. The road is thorny because laws and practice still don't follow each another which is stopping realisation of higher level of inclusion.It is really important for law and practice to combine so process of inclusion would get on importance and by that children with difficulties in development would be observed and helped since the kindergarden. To make point about condition about this matter extensive research is needed. Researches since today were based on observation and reflection of important terms about inclusion. In this work attidudes of workers in educational institutions about importance of inclusion, process of working with children with dificulties in development exsample. application of inclusio  and whole row of questions about this topic are being examined. Samples in this research are 145 examinee, professors, teachers, and pedagogues employed in primary school, gymnasium, secondary school of profession or kindergarden. The main goal of this research is to examine, analyse, determine, and interpret opinions of employees in educational institution about inclusion, behavioral possibilities and needed conditions for inclusional teaching. The survey guestions has been sent by an email adress of institution they work for. They have been asked to answer the questions which were related to work  conditions with students and preschool kids who have difficulties in development. We got social-demographic data of respondents based on 7 questions with the goal to determine status of respondents in the way of gender structure, ages, work place, years of experince, and working with persons with difficulties in development. The view of work conditions and educational aproach to students with difficulties in development have been examined by the help of survey where the answers were rated with three level scale. In total there was 19 questions which were related to opinions how work conditions, surrounding and society affect work with students and children with difficulties in development.Results of research are like, so we can conclude that in attitude of employees there is no significant differences about inclusion.


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How to Cite

Đerahović-Muslija, N., Gupta, D., & Delić, S. (2021). INCLUSION IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 47(2), 299–305. Retrieved from