
  • Ivanela Venkova Ivan Vazov Secondary School – Svoge, Bulgaria


model, modeling, training, education


Training and education are developing processes that through absolute pedagogical intervention, through the introduction of behavioral modeling, would contribute positively to school education, socialization in school, education as a social gift, training as a practical form, school training, education, and even development and progress and overall evolution.

The aim is to reveal the regularities of modeling as a method of teaching and education and to prove the interdependent connection between the modeling method and the educational process.

Modeling is closely related to visualization, demonstration and observation. It significantly supports and develops the cognitive development of students, stimulates their abstract thinking based on sensory knowledge.

By introducing the method of modeling in the learning process, which can be used both for the perception of new learning material, for discovering new knowledge, and for exercising, making sense and consolidating already accepted ones, the strength and speed of mental thinking is stimulated, increased. process. A special place in learning is occupied by learning models, which are a necessary factor for the assimilation of learning material by students, supporting their activities, which suggests that modeling is a means of mastering specific actions and a way to absorb certain information. Modeling is a formative activity in the learning process and in training. It affects and influences the child's psyche and mental activity through cognitive models.

The experience of many theoretical teachers and practicing teachers proves that the method of modeling is needed in modern didactics and pedagogy. It is necessary to master the technique of modeling, because it is closely related to the general method of scientific knowledge, as well as to psychological and pedagogical sciences. The method of modeling is diverse because it is applied in many scientific fields. It is inexhaustible because it cannot be classified in any strict phasing and its role in scientific research is constantly evolving.

In the study of many pedagogical, sociological, psychological, biological and other sciences, modeling as a general scientific method must be necessary because it is efficient and effective.


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How to Cite

Venkova, I. (2021). MODELING AS A METHOD OF TRAINING AND EDUCATION. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 47(2), 367–370. Retrieved from