
  • Iren Peltekova Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski“, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Borislav Peltekov 68. School in Sofia “Academician Nikola Obreshkov“, Sofia, Bulgaria


motor skills, speed, strength, agility, tests


The physical ability of students from I to XII grade in the Republic of Bulgaria is measured by an updated assessment system, which entered into force in the school system in the school year 2019/2020. It is this system, which includes five control tests that measure the main motor skills - speed, explosive power of the lower limbs, explosive power of the upper limbs and torso, endurance and agility, assesses the physical performance of students in our study. The aim of the study is to determine the impact of mixing practical and distance learning in an electronic environment on the motor skills of 11-year-old students in 5th grade.

The method of sports-pedagogical testing is used. Variation and comparative analysis were applied to process the obtained results.

The contingent of respondents includes 56 students, including 27 girls and 29 boys aged 11 from 5th grade at 68th School in Sofia "Academician Nikola Obreshkov". All students were born in 2009.

The tests are practical and were conducted at the beginning and end of the 2020/2021 school year.

The hybrid format of education (practical and remote) caused by the global Covid-19 pandemic has managed to maintain the overall good physical performance of 5th grade students.

The observed average values of the achievements show that there is a slight decrease in the tests requiring speed and agility, while the average values for strength are better compared to those of the entrance testing.

According to the general conclusions, we can summarize, for the age group of 11 years that the biggest differences in physical qualities between girls and boys are observed in the quality of strength.

As girls are superior in the explosive power of the lower limbs, while boys are superior in the power of the upper limbs and torso. In terms of physical qualities, speed, speed endurance and agility, the achievements of both sexes are equal.


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How to Cite

Peltekova, I., & Peltekov, B. (2021). INFLUENCE OF ATTENDANCE AND DISTANCE LEARNING ON THE PHYSICAL ABILITY OF 5TH GRADE STUDENTS. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 47(2), 371–376. Retrieved from