
  • Florina Bakievska Andreevska Faculty of law "Iustinianus Primus", University "St. Cyril and Methodius" – Skopje, North Macedonia


elections, voting right, electoral process


One of the basic human rights provided by the Constitution, as well as other laws and by-laws, is the right of everyone to vote and to be elected. Such a right to vote can be accomplished by a person who meets the condition of legal age and the condition of legal competence, which presupposes the opportunity to enter into social and business relations with other legal and physical entities. Knowledge of the rights arising from the election process allows each participant to be directly involved in making the final decision on the election of the right person who in the coming period will makes and implements decisions of importance to the voter. The analysis of the content of the domestic legislation in this area of living, enables a complete perception of the aspects and the access to the voting right as a very important institute, whose influence covers the entire social, economic and political-legal action. His better knowledge of the voter, ie the elected means aspiration for full realization of above all the personal rights, but also the rights of the collectivity to which he belongs. In the overall election process, the last link for the protection of the voting right is the Administrative Court. Its competence is to act in a procedure for protection of the voting right of the voters. It is in its competence to act upon the filed lawsuits for protection of the voting right of the voters. It takes place in an urgent procedure, and covers all levels of electoral activities until the final completion of the elections and the selection of a candidate/s.


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Устав и законски прописи

Устав („Службен весник на РМ“ бр. 52/1991 и Уставни амандмани I - XXXVI)

Закон за судовите („Службен весник на Република Македонија“ бр. 58/2006, 62/2006, 35/2008, 150/2010, 83/2018 и 198/2018 и „Службен весник на Република Северна Македонија“ бр. 96/2019)

Закон за управни спорови (Службен весник на РСМ бр. 96/2019)

Изборен законик („Службен весник на РМ“ бр. 40/2006; 136/2008; 148/2008; 155/2008; 163/2008; 44/2011; 51/2011; 142/2012; 31/2013; 34/2013; 14/2014; 30/2014; 196/2015; 35/2016; 97/2016; 99/2016; 136/2016; 142/2016; 67/2017; 125/2017; 35/2018; 99/2018; 140/2018; 208/2018 и 27/2019 и „Службен весник на РСМ бр. 98/2019, 42/2020, 74/2021 и 215/2021)




How to Cite

Bakievska Andreevska, F. (2021). PROTECTION OF THE VOTING RIGHT BY THE ADMINISTRATIVE COURT. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 48(1), 241–246. Retrieved from