Design, technologies, skills, modeling, Preschool age (PSD)Abstract
The new public relations and the directives of the European Union - Basic competences for lifelong learning: European reference framework, (MES 2014 -2020) are related to the development of different life skills in children. The need for personal and social improvement is stimulated by the processes arising in society and by the specific socio-pedagogical support to provide tools and methods for targeted preparation of preschool children to enter the complex social environment that will help them. to adapt and function successfully in society. In this direction, the development of the basic life skills of the children from SEN becomes one of the priority tasks of the modern educational system in Bulgaria.
All forms of behavior and activities of the child arise and develop on the basis of his practical and social experience in the process of interaction with the surrounding reality. His cognitive attitude to the world is not always focused on a particular subject or type of activity. He often shows an increased interest in everything around him, especially in the new, unexpected. That is why sometimes his cognitive aspiration has a very general character and is determined by the relentless childhood curiosity. In children's games, children not only reproduce, but also combine, process what they perceive in accordance with the specific situation. Thus, by improving the constructive and technical activity, children develop and enrich their own experience, which becomes the basis for the formation of theoretical and cognitive interest. In the creatively constructive activity, the children from PUV show their activity, come into contact with the environment, influence it and at the same time develop their own personality.
The object of the study are the features of the development of constructive activity in 6-7 year old children in kindergarten. The constructive and technical activity of the child, his attitude to the ways of acquiring new knowledge and skills. The subject of the study is modeling as a means of developing constructive activity in 6-7-year-old children in kindergarten. The aim is to study the influence of modeling on the development of constructive activity in 6-7 year old children. In the context of the present study, we assume that the use of modeling skills in mastering the constructive-technical activity will help to enrich the constructive-technical experience of 6-7-year-old children. In the conducted empirical research of two groups (with 30 children) 6-7 year old children from kindergarten, the dynamics of modeling development is followed, using the following methods for pedagogical research - observation, pedagogical experiment, research of children's activity, research of a psychologist -pedagogical characteristics of children and method of experimental evaluation.
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