
  • Simona Nicoleta Stan Bioterra University of Bucharest
  • Amalia Gianina Străteanu Romanian Academy - CSCBAS Bucharest
  • Oana Angela Ticușan APSE Aquarius


paradigm, education, humanity, sustainable, fractolon


Every human being is unique. Child or adult. For this reason, the uniformity which we are subjected to, in order to adapt to the economic, social and educational standards of the current global system, often throw us on a path that does not correspond to our personal pattern. Traditionally, a stable society is built on hierarchies, and hierarchies involve power-based relations, at all levels, in all social contexts. This system and paradigm of thinking lead to phenomena that generate crisis and conflicts that endanger the balance of life on Earth. The current crises are not necessarily caused by us, but they acquire valences of conflict in ourselves. As for the quality of life lived in a responsible way, it is important to know to what extent the feeling of "harmony" can be perceived as an array of the values, beliefs, abilities and strategies that determine and guide our behavior in interaction with the environment. Considering this information universe that is revealed step by step, increasingly complex for the human mind, diversity and at the same time, the uniqueness of each individual highlights how important it is to find the right communication channels to continue to exist as humanity, in a state of well-being, harmonized with the environment. There is a big difference between what we do and live and what we could do and live. The question arises: How can we reduce the current gap between natural resources and human needs, in order to "live together" with joy, potential, capabilities and human wisdom? The fine observation of the specific traits and characteristics of each person, the need to open new horizons, behavioral flexibility and the willingness to find optimal methods and strategies to interact, work and educate, are fundamental and absolutely necessary in the new environmental educational paradigms. At this moment of our existence as a species, we are obliged by the evolution of crises, to think not through the prism of competitive advantage but through the perspective of the sustainability of humanity in direct relation with the natural environment. The new education system pays attention to the characteristics of the current generations of pupils and students, determined by the social, economic, technological changes etc. for their adaptation to new bio-technological contexts. Education aims at "working" with the human being, in its entirety. Balanced reporting to the environment aims to harmonize the student with his characteristics and needs, personal potential, interests, skills and virtues. This means changing the focus - from the system / program / textbook / teaching style and the needs of the teacher - to the student, living the authentic learning experience, setting goals of common interest and achieving them through the pedagogical act, so that the school can train people, characters, leaders and, finally, to change the current, dysfunctional system with a new, coherent and sustainable one, adapted to the present and future global needs. Learning is a personal act, through which the real purpose of teaching becomes the creation of the right framework or context, so that students can evolve, with high ethical and moral values, by developing high skills and competencies needed in the labor market - as it will look in 2030 and beyond.
This paper brings the perspective created by the use of the fractal modeling method, through a type of construction called "fractolon" - an innovative tool designed to identify solutions for the current educational crisis, for a sustainable management of the relationship between human = nature. The innovative method identifies and activates the skills needed to find solutions and make ethical decisions and indeed, by connecting and by the sustainable use of resources needed to avoid a future crisis of humanity humanity in relation to the environment.
The sustainability of humanity's relationship with the environment can be achieved through using another type of human resources that involves not a pyramid of power but a collaborative human network, programs designed to increase the level of human consciousness, so that the changing of paradigm of thinking (from quantitative to qualitative, from competitive to collaborative, from consumerist to ecological, coherent and sustainable etc.) to be able to be achieved globally and sustainably.


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How to Cite

Nicoleta Stan, S., Gianina Străteanu, A., & Angela Ticușan, O. (2021). HUMAN METAMORPHOSIS - THE NEW ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATIONAL PARADIGM. BETWEEN ETHICS AND TRUTH. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 49(1), 53–58. Retrieved from