
  • Sonja Rogoleva Gjurovski Faculty of Medical Sciences, “Goce Delcev” University, Stip, Republic of North Macedonia
  • Cena Dimova Faculty of Medical Sciences, “Goce Delcev” University, Stip, Republic of North Macedonia


Jaw Cysts, Odontogenic cysts, Marsupialization, Decompression


Odontogenic keratocysts(OKC), previously known as keratocystic odontogenic tumors (KCOT or KOT) are rare benign cystic lesions involving the mandibule or maxilla and are belived to arise from dental lamina. Whether these lesions are developmental od neoplastic is controversial, whit the 2017 WHO classification placing it back into the developtmental lesion  category.  In broad range od scientific publications it has been stated that KCOTs represent about 10% of all jaw cysts. As a matter od fact, scientific data on incidence od KOT are very heterogeneous, which actuallu reflect differences in diagnostic citeria and sample selection in individual studies.

They are locally aggressive and tend  to recur after excision.  On RTG, they typically appear as an expansile solitary unilocular lesion extending longitudinally in the posterior positions od the mandible.

For keratocystic odontogenic tumors (KOT), a various treatment modalities have been reported with different recurrence rates. Marsupialization and decompression are different conservative surgical techniques for the treatment of KOTs. The aim od this study is to show and compare the recurrence rate between marsupialization and decompression in the treatment of KOTs with or without adjunctive treatments.

This is a  review study. The research sources utilized were PubMed (MEDLINE),Google scholar, and Cochrane Library. The keywords which were selected based on Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) terms and PICOS criteria were odontogenic keratocyst, keratocyst odontogenic tumor and marsupialization or decompression or enucleation or cystectomy or curettage. Articles reviews and  analyses were performed to compare the recurrence rate between marsupialization and decompression with or without adjunctive treatments, regarding various follow-up times.

Reviews and analyses show that there was a significant difference for the recurrence rate between the marsupialization and decompression groups without considering adjunctive treatments. However, considering adjunctive treatments, there was no difference between marsupialization and the decompression groups.

It appears that decompression without any adjuvant treatment may have a lower recurrence rate than marsupialization. The recurrence rate was not different when enucleation or cystectomy was performed after decompression and marsupialization.


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