
  • Kristina Zaharieva Angel Kanchev University of Ruse, Bulgaria
  • Tatyana Atanasova Angel Kanchev University of Ruse, Bulgaria
  • Teodora Nedeva Angel Kanchev University of Ruse, Bulgaria


healthcare professionals, stress, work environment, burn out


Social and economic crises in society cause risk situations in different groups of people. Occupational stress can be seen as a health problem, and burnout syndrome as a state of insurmountable, chronic stress, which is most often the result of work environment factors focused on the appropriate psychological personality type. For healthcare professionals, it is a state of burnout that causes direct and indirect harm to both personal health and the health of the patient. Professional exhaustion includes several stages of manifestation, one of which is the well-known rapid work syndrome, a concept introduced by Freudenberger and Masla in 1974. The study aims to examine the degree of occupational incineration among health care professionals from emergency, intensive and therapeutic wards of the university hospitals in the city of Ruse in the conditions of a pandemic by COVID 19. In the period 01.05.2021. - 31.05.2021 the opinion of 106 health care specialists from UMHAT "Kanev" AD and UMHAT "Medica" OOD was studied. The analysis of the results is a basis for the following conclusions: the most affected are the respondents from the intensive care units, which is comparable to the dynamics of the work process and the volume of the care provided to the patients - for this group predominates a high level of emotional exhaustion, followed by a high level of depersonalization and low level of workability; аmong health care professionals in the emergency departments there is a moderate level of manifestation of burnout syndrome - the dynamics of daily activities in them has largely preserved their ability to work. Also one-third of all study participants had a moderate level of burnout, predisposing the application of techniques for handling and overcoming the stress in the workplace. 


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How to Cite

Zaharieva, K., Atanasova, T., & Nedeva, T. (2021). CHRONIC OCCUPATIONAL STRESS IN HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS DURING A PANDEMIC. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 47(4), 797–802. Retrieved from

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