
  • Petya Ivanova Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Pedagogy, Bulgaria


organization, structure, changes, Dimitroff Pioneer Organization “Septemvrijche”, troups “Chavdarche”


The purpose of this study is to present the main structural and organizational changes in children’s organizations in Bulgaria during the period 1948-1968. During the period Dimitroff Pioneer Organization “Septemvrijche” and the troupes “Cchavdarche”, as the main extracurricular structures responsible for education of Bulgarian children, strengthen their position and are confirmed as important factors for political, social and cultural life of the country. The public authority of children’s organizations grows incredibly, given their beneficial effects on children, their parents and the whole society.
The structural strengthening of Dimitroff Pioneer Organization “Septemvrijtche” allows the entry of new, diverse and interesting forms and methods of working with children. Pioneering romance and amateurism are lasting affirm as basic principles of educational work. The relationship between the organizations and the school is regulated and deepened, making attempts to distinguish the blurred borders of educational work between them.
Regardless of the favorable changes in the activity of DPO “Septemvrijche” and the troups “Chavdarche”, there is a need to create better conditions for the work of the organization, increase of professional pedagogical assistance and solving issues of material and personnel nature. Given these achievements, it is still difficult to overcome the regulation of the activities of the pioneers and cases of violation of pioneer’s initiative and self-government. Formalism and the patterns are not completely cleared, and the main forms of activity in the organization remain mainly verbal.
The mentioned difficulties are partially overcome. The gradual realization of the announced at the beginning
of the organization long-term goals and objectives, related to the accession of the communist upbringing of Bulgarian children, starts. The great conquest for the period is the experience gained and created traditions on which the organization will step in the next stage of its development (1969-1989).
The topic is significant and relevant due to the fact that the development of children’s structures, under the considered historical period, has not been sufficiently studied from a modern point of view. The contribution is also important, related to the preservation and promotion of the positive practices used by children’s organizations, that can find alternative realization in contemporary structures for informal education.


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Закон за установяване на по-тясна връзка на училището с обществения живот и по-нататъшно развитие на народното образование Retrieved September 24, 2021 from




How to Cite

Ivanova, P. (2021). STRUCTURAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGES IN CHILDREN’S ORGANIZATIONS IN BULGARIA 1948-1968. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 48(4), 701–706. Retrieved from