
  • Evgeniya Mihova University of Shumen” Ep. Konstantin Preslavski”, Bulgaria


kindergarten, projects, sciences, learning


The report examines the essence of STEM training and the possibility of its application in kindergarten. Along with this, the possibility of doing so through various educational projects is described. An overview of various sources on the topic of STEM and project activities in the kindergarten has been made, and the strategies for learning and teaching that are important for the educational process have been sought. The STEAM variant is also noted. An overview of the project as an entity, as well as its importance in preschool education and the child as a person. Significant points of view have been found for improving and modernizing the learning process. The main part presents a survey among teachers from three cities in Bulgaria working in kindergartens. It is related to STEM training in kindergarten. It draws conclusions about the preparation of teachers to work with this methodology, their attitude and desire to qualify on the topic. Their previous experience and the frequency of use in the process of learning and preparation for school are also presented. From the conclusions of the survey we move to an example of a project activity with directly involved STEM activities. The role of the project for more interactivity and cooperation, as well as for the development of personal qualities and competencies is considered. Their importance for school preparation, development of logical thinking and socialization is also emphasized. After the presentation of the specific project examples, a conclusion is made about the importance of the project as a whole in the activity of the children's teacher and the learning process in the child. Its role in developing key competencies is emphasized. Information is given about the progress made in the development of teachers in personal and professional terms. Opportunities for different types of projects in the kindergarten are offered, analyzing the positive aspects and possible difficulties. The possibilities for interdisciplinary connections are described. Brief examples of online collaborations with STE/А/M elements in the context of the new conditions in a pandemic environment are presented. Examples are given of solutions to learning and teaching difficulties that could be solved in this way. Finally, a summary is made of the possibility of STE/A/M to actively enter the kindergarten with the help of project interventions. To this are added conclusions about possible qualification forms for teachers. They are also analyzed with pros and cons. The summary of the necessity of STEM and the project to go together to make the learning and teaching process more modern and interesting is presented, and hence the kindergarten and school attractive place


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How to Cite

Mihova, E. (2022). STEM AND PROJECT ACTIVITIES IN KINDERGARTEN. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 50(2), 203–208. Retrieved from