Survey, physical capabilities, cadets, National Military University “Vasil Levski”Abstract
The defense doctrine and the reduction of the number of armed forces in Bulgaria, place great demands on the military at the present stage of development. The readiness of the personnel for combat activity determined by the preparedness in moral, volitional, psychological, military - special and physical relation.
The ability to operate a sophisticated modern material and conduct successful combat operations only possessed by well-trained and physically capable officers, who have acquired specific motor skills, such as strength and speed endurance, special speed and agility.
The purpose of the physical education training process with cadets from National Military University “Vasil Levski” is to develop basic motor qualities (strength, speed, agility and endurance), specific motor qualities (strength and speed endurance, tempo speed, etc.) and practical habits for organizing and conducting various forms of sports training.
In this study participated 68 second-year cadets from National Military University “Vasil Levski”, who conditionally divided into two groups of men (50 people) and women (18 people).
The purpose of the experiment was to investigate the changes in the physical capability of the cadets during the second, third and fourth year of their education and to determine the effectiveness of the Physical Education Program at the National Military University.
An experimental study conducted between August 2016 and September 2019, which can divided into 3 main stages:
1) First Stage - from early August 2016 to late August 2016
The second-year cadets conditionally divided into two groups - men and women, after that the initial data were taken, giving us information about their physical capability.
2) Second Stage - September 2016 to June 2019
The students from the two groups conducted together their Physical Education classes in accordance with the current Program at National Military University “Vasil Levski”.
3) Third Stage - July 2019 to September 2019
The final data were taken to inform us about a physical capability. These summarized and prepared for processing and analysis.
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