
  • Vladimir Kitanov University “Goce Delcev” Stip, N. Macedonia
  • Tanja Angelkova Petkova University “Goce Delcev” Stip, N, Macedonia


Development, economic effects, modern needs, tourist space and tourist destinations


The efficient and effective development of the tourist destination presupposes the existence of a certain tourist product that can be placed on an adequate tourist market. The formation of a tourist product depends (conditionally) on the attractiveness of the space in which the development of the tourist destination is planned. The modern development of tourism imposes a constant need to improve the existing ones, and qualitatively design and create new attractions in the formation of the tourism product. The concept for development of a new tourist destination should be focused on the quality and attractiveness of the destination and their organized valorization. The attractiveness of the space is often a decisive factor when deciding on tourist movements. The existence of natural and anthropogenic attractions affects the fact that certain destinations are beginning to attract tourists.


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How to Cite

Kitanov, V., & Angelkova Petkova, T. (2021). THE NEEDS AND STRUCTURE OF MODERN TOURIST DESTINATIONS. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 45(1), 113–118. Retrieved from

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