
  • Vili Vucheva SWU „Neofit Rilski”, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria


crises, career, management, organizational behavior, changes


Career management is a modern element of the organizational life and is becoming increasingly important at times of crises of any kind. Furthermore, there have been no convincing and argumentative discussions on career management until a few decades ago.
Gradually,organizations have realized the opportunities they have had through employee career management. The career concept implies a profession or an activity that requires training and is adopted for lifetime. The career development is also identified and released in the individual's mindset through a sequence of planned and unplanned activities which may encompass personal development, priority of official duties, direct engagement and others , within a contractually defined period of time. In such a context, in modern organizations, the relationship crisis-career development will become increasingly important.
Nowadays career management is the path of personality and professional developing. In times of crisis and even a global pandemic, it is extremely difficult to maintain a balance between motivation for career development and well payed job , because this balance is closely linked to the individual's life path .And although the idea of a career implies a profession or activity for the whole life, the challenges facing the people are the most important component of the decisions that must be made to achieve the career goals.


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How to Cite

Vucheva, V. (2021). EMERGING TRENDS IN CAREER MANAGEMENT OF MODERN ORGANIZATIONS DURING CRISIS CONDITIONS. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 45(1), 171–175. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/5009