
  • Merita Bakiji South East European University, N. Macedonia


Entrepreneurship, women entrepreneurs, economic development, economic growth


Business or entrepreneurship in recent years has taken on a different dimension than previously considered. In the literature of recent years, entrepreneurship is considered as one of the most important factors of productivity. As such, it has become the object of study of many scholars and at the same time a very attractive field for academic research and more. Understanding the importance of women entrepreneurs in the economy of a country and in society in general, we will discuss the contribution of women in this paper based on various adequate literature on the role of entrepreneurship in general and the impact of women entrepreneurs in economic growth. The paper also provides new knowledge in the field of women entrepreneurship based on the rapid increase in the number of women entrepreneurs in different parts of the world. Although women entrepreneurs usually allude to micro-businesses or small businesses, the number of these businesses has steadily increased with what is known is the fact that economic development depends heavily on small businesses. This increase consists in the fact that women in business have reaped continuous success and their rise or prosperity is a result of some of the qualities that women possess to manage and solve financial problems. For these issues, many studies focus only on analyzing the positive skills of women through which they best cope in leadership and decision-making positions and also their studies focus on women's economic empowerment and increasing women's participation in business. How do women entrepreneurs affect economic growth, what do they offer and provide in the labor market, how has the level of economic growth changed in countries with high levels of women entrepreneurship, and what is the relationship between economic growth and the level of women entrepreneurs, represent the purpose of this paper. So, the object of this research is to clarify the role and influence that women entrepreneurs have in economic growth as a significant variable of economic growth and as one of the determinants of economic growth of a country, however this paper leaves space, opportunity and desire in research in the future, other relevant variables should be included in order to provide accurate and reliable results in terms of analysis of the factors that determine the economic growth and development of a country.


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How to Cite

Bakiji, M. (2021). ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND THE ROLE OF WOMEN ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN ECONOMIC GROWTH. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 45(1), 299–302. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/5023