
  • Marija Todorova Faculty of Philology, Goce Delcev University, Stip, North Macedonia
  • Vesna Prodanovska-Poposka Faculty of Biotechnical Sciences, St. Kliment Ohridski- University- Bitola, North Macedonia


Spanglish, Chicano English, dialects, language varieties, USA


Spanish language is one of the most spoken languages in the world. Due to thе fact that the use of the Spanish language in the United States of America is developing and expanding very fast, it gradually becomes the unofficial second language of the US. There are several different dialects and language varieties, spoken in different parts of the country, but we will dwell here on two phenomena present in the United States. The purpose of this paper is to discuss and clarify the notion of Spanglish and the concept of Chicano English. The paper answers questions such as: What are they and what is the difference between them? Where are they spoken? Who uses them? And, what are their main features?


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How to Cite

Todorova, M., & Prodanovska-Poposka, V. (2022). THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SPANGLISH AND CHICANO ENGLISH. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 50(5), 599–603. Retrieved from