
  • Ivana Luknar Institute for Political Studies, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Ilija Životić School for Engineering Management FIM Belgrade, Serbia


human trafficking, trafficking of minors, sexual expolitation, child abuse, vulnerability


In the paper we indicate worldwide issue minors sex trafficking, discuss risk factors that make some individuals more susceptible to this issue and ways how to prevent it. The multitude of programs and platforms now being employed worldwide to combat sex trafficking of minors appear to be addressing the symptoms of the issue rather than the underlying causes. The purpose of this paper is to increase attention to minors sex trafficking and further to bring positive change in resolving this issue. The method of content analyses is applied in the paper to provide information about sex trafficking of minors issue. Thus obtained information have served as the basis for forteen summarized recommendations which are offered in this paper. Beside that, in this paper we offer three general recommendations which may positively prevent this issue in the future: greater awareness about minors sex trafficking issue, more funding support prevention, detection and control measures, as well as critical legal reform


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How to Cite

Luknar, I., & Životić, I. (2022). MINORS SEX TRAFFICKING. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 51(1), 225–230. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/5058