
  • Tanja Kitanovska Stojkovska AUE - FON University, Skopje, North Macedonia


conflict, situations in practice, sport clubs, municipality of Stip


Conflicts are the subject of much scientific debate today, focusing on a variety of research topics, while studying the threats and dangers that affect, among other things, sport clubs. It is very important to detect conflicts in sport clubs in a timely manner and to manage them in order to avoid or not increase them, showing negative signs in terms of the success of the clubs and in the development of sport in general. Conflicts often occur and can be recognized in many forms as an inevitable aspect in any one organization including sports. Anyone who is in any way involved in the activities of a sport club (amateur or professional athlete, administrator or part of the management and technical team), may find themselves in a conflict situation at a time when the argument becomes antagonistic, when problems are important, and at the same time opposing views strong. Often coaches have the primary task of recognizing the conflict, discovering how it arose, and finding a method that would overcome the problem so that it would never happen again.
Conflicts in sport clubs should be recognized in a timely manner and professionally managed, adhering to the old rule which states:„if the fire is not extinguished in time, it can grow into a big fire“.
Analyzing the occurrence of conflicts in the literature, the main reasons are: insufficient motivation, organization and control of many factors that affect the creation of conflicts in modern sport clubs. To prevent or overcome the conflict means to have the ability to strategically think about the root of the situation and identify the cause of the conflict, the space where it occurrs and ultimately focus on the solution that is most appropriate to be made. This is achieved by creating a methodology for proper management, ie. resolving conflict situations in the organization. Every modern sport organization should be prepared for a quick reaction in the event of conflicts, even when they are practically non-existent.
This research paper elaborates on the strategic approaches regarding how to recognize conflicts in sport clubs and how to manage them for timely stopping so that they do not flare up and do not show negative indications regarding the achievement of sport results in football clubs in the municipality of Stip.
By analyzing the theoretical framework, as well as the results obtained through empirical research, we found that conflicts are common in sport clubs and they occur in many forms. Inevitably, they show an active influence in the relations with all participants in the sport and, of course, show a direct connection with the sport results in the clubs themselves. That is why we need trained human resources whose stability and coexistence will enable the progress of sport clubs by realizing the set goals, visions and missions.


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How to Cite

Kitanovska Stojkovska, T. (2021). CONFLICT SITUATIONS IN SPORT CLUBS – MUNICIPALITY OF STIP. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 49(5), 1067–1072. Retrieved from