
  • Alexandra Valcheva University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria


human rights, artificial intelligence, protection, legislation, European Union


In recent decades, in most parts of the world, including the European Union, there has been an extremely rapid penetration of artificial intelligence in various spheres of public life and in processes that have previously been controlled solely by man. This trend is completely understandable given the rapid development of information and communication technologies and advances in science. The introduction of systems based on artificial intelligence is a step forward in human development, which brings a number of benefits to society, but at the same time creates new risks to the protection of fundamental human rights. They should be analyzed by all European and national competent authorities to limit their occurrence. For example, the use of artificial intelligence systems in connection with the provision of services to citizens raises a number of issues related to the implementation of liability for errors, the autonomy of these systems, the protection of personal data and guarantees of their quality, the danger of non-transparency of the decision-making process, gender or other discrimination, violation of the right to privacy, as well as their illegal application. In order to prevent and limit these risks, it is necessary for the European Union and the Member States to adopt legislation that ensures the lawful application of artificial intelligence. It is also necessary to establish specialized bodies to exercise effective control over legal entities that use artificial intelligence systems in their activities. This comprehensive approach is absolutely necessary to protect fundamental human rights to the highest degree. It is already being implemented in the European Union, which has identified the implementation and application of AI in its future development as a top priority. In this regard, over the last decade, European bodies and institutions have adopted a number of acts, measures and mechanisms aimed at ensuring that this priority is effectively achieved. In the Member States, the regulation of artificial intelligence is evolving, and in some of them even more active action is needed on the part of public authorities. A coordinated approach to the regulation of artificial intelligence within the European Union is needed in order to adopt a harmonized European legal framework. This will limit the risk of different interpretations and application of legal acts from the various legal entities, which always opens up opportunities for human rights violations. This report will analyze the application of artificial intelligence in the context of the potential for violations of fundamental human rights and the actions taken by the EU to provide good guarantees for their protection for all legal entities.

Author Biography

Alexandra Valcheva, University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria

Department of International and EU Law


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How to Cite

Valcheva, A. (2022). HUMAN RIGHTS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 52(1), 121–126. Retrieved from