
  • Muhaedin Bela Institute of Emergency Preparedness, N. Macedonia
  • Zijavere Keqmezi-Rexhepi University “Kadri Zeka” Gjilan, Kosovo
  • John Fisher Utah Valley University, USA


disaster preparedness, emergency evacuation, teaching resilience, high school students, university students


Because of the current conflict and refugee situation in Ukraine, students may be concerned about their own safety in a world of turmoil, where there seems to be no end to the calamities they face. Life-coach Mark Shepherd uses the motto “If you are prepared, you need not fear” in leadership training. This theme is appropriate when teaching students about disasters and their impacts. This paper presents a curriculum and provides a list of resources that teachers can use in instructing students about disaster preparedness and evacuation readiness. It is divided into five topics or lessons. First, what is the nature and causes of crises, whether human-caused or natural disasters? Many disasters result from anthropogenic causes, whether because of the intersection of humans and nature or because of man’s carelessness and ignorance. On top of this war, greed, and power can play a role in creating crises and causing harm to humankind and the environment. Moreover, nature itself causes calamities, with good or bad results, that are short-term or long-term. Second, what are the social-economic, psychological, and physical impacts of the disasters and who are the most vulnerable populations? Studies have shown that disasters impact all ages, although differently. The effects are great on children and youth. This can be a concern and worry for young people, causing angst and upset in their lives. Harm can result that is socio-economic, psychological, and physical. Third, how to distinguish truth from falsehoods about disasters? Social media and the traditional news media can provide helpful but sometimes misleading information about disasters. They should provide information that helps people deal with disasters, but often the information they provide is overly dramatic and exaggerated to pique public interest and build audiences. Citizen reporters and witnesses on social media may only know half the story and so tell half-truths. Governments, celebrities, and globalists often have their own agendas and spread disinformation to achieve their aims. Fourth, what roles can individuals, communities, governments, non-profit organizations, and media play in providing relief from disasters? Young people can have a great impact in providing relief to people in disasters. They can often join with local communities and other individuals to help. This paper not only describes the roles of first responders, communities, and governments in providing relief, but also the kinds of things youth can do. Finally, how can individuals and households prepare for disasters and evacuations? The best remedy for dealing with the fears of young people may be to show them how to prepare themselves and their families for disasters and evacuations. Current studies about readiness are reported and concrete suggestions are made that can help individual and community preparedness and resilience.


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How to Cite

Bela, M., Keqmezi-Rexhepi, Z., & Fisher, J. (2022). TEACHING STUDENTS ABOUT DISASTER PREPAREDNESS: “IF YOU ARE PREPARED, YOU NEED NOT FEAR”. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 52(1), 133–137. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/5171