
  • Margarita Terzieva “Prof. Dr Assen Zlatarov” University, Burgas, Bulgaria


Bulgarian migrants, education, secondary school, Preslav Teaching Seminary


The paper looks into facts and details related to the Preslav Teaching Seminary, the first Bulgarian secondary school in Tavria from 1875 until 1918. It was established by the Bulgarian settlers in the area, but during this period attempts were made to change the aims and neutralize the aspirations of its creators. On the basis of personal memories and documents, the paper puts an emphasis on certain people and their educational work, namely:
- headmasters: Pyotr Pahovskiy, Aleksey Voznesenski;
- teachers: Vasiliy Dobrovolski, Yona Fuklev, Yosif Boyko;
- alumni known for their pedagogical activities: Atanas Varbanski, Dimitar Dimitrov, Ivan Petrovich Voynikov.
The following methods were used:
- the biographical method;
- historical and pedagogical analysis of information from non-conflicting sources;
- cultural and historical retrospection.
Important for the present study was prominent educator Nikolay Korf’s valuation, which was published in the "Vestnik Evropiy" (European Newspaper) in 1883. The popular pedagogue and public figure, who dealt with the educational problems of the region, highlighted the specifics of the Preslav Teaching Seminary and its educational achievements.
The collected factual material and its historical and pedagogical interpretation allow for the following conclusions to be made:
The alumni of the first secondary school in the region taught the population in nearby villages and towns, and some of them managed to achieve a higher educational level by graduating from institutes and universities on the territory of Ukraine and Russia.
In the period from its establishment up to the time it changed its status, the Preslav Teaching Seminary played an important role not only in the development of elementary education in the region, but also in the preservation of the Bulgarian traditions due to the active work of the graduates of this educational establishment.
A number of those associated with the educational institution later fell victim to repression and were accused of nationalism.


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How to Cite

Terzieva, M. (2022). A MAKER OF SPECIALISTS AND DESTINIES. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 52(1), 173–177. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/5176

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