
  • Marian Angelov Sts. Cyril and Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo – Vratsa Branch, Bulgaria


game technology, music training, activities


The full accumulation of musical competencies is most effective in practical activities, where children
gradually develop their abilities, gain ideas and realize the meaning of concepts, while at the same time playing and
having fun. The aim of the development is to study and characterize the manifestations, polysemantic meaning and
possibilities of the game in music education in young students. As a result of the semantic contexts of the concept of
"game technology" presented by different authors in the educational process, we can determine the relationships of
interconnections and differences between "game technology" and the characteristics: game methods and forms of
learning; game process and form of organization of the activity; game components and procedures for guiding and
managing children's play; game education, development and entertainment through the use of modern learning
technologies. To make sense of and reinforce the elements of musical expression, the music teacher often relies on
the game component. Rhythmic models in game form help to understand the relationship between tonal durability
and appearance when recording notes, and learners are often guided by graphic or audio recording. The games for
mastering the notes as a sign of durability support the mastering of the temporal relations in music and are extremely
useful for the development of logic, analytical and combinatorial thinking. The report examines and analyzes some
story-based role-playing games on program music with a clear plot line and vivid illustrativeness to build skills for
elementary analysis of musical imagery. The game in music education can include various activities, expressed in a
syncretic relationship between cracking, playing children's musical instruments, dance movements, text
performance, sound imitations and more. Linking it and interacting with other musical activities allows
combinations of possibilities and options for various game-like forms of work. The musical game stimulates
ingenuity and reaches the desired seriousness. As a result, players perform complex mental operations and enter into
complex communicative relationships through which to show their successes and capabilities, to express themselves.
The game in the music lesson should contain not only an interesting game action, but also require a certain
intellectual effort on the part of the learners. The realization and experience of the game through music influences
and prepares the young students for their further development and builds an emotional and aesthetic attitude towards
the world around them.


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How to Cite

Angelov, M. (2021). THE GAME IN THE MUSIC EDUCATION OF THE LITTLE STUDENTS. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 47(2), 377–382. Retrieved from