
  • Emilija Chapevska Faculty of Medical Sciences, University "Goce Delchev", Stip Republic of North Macedonia
  • Gordana Panova Goce Delchev University, Stip Republic of North Macedonia


Surgical approach, care and education, rapid recovery


The rapid development of technology, and thus of medical care and education, leads to new increased needs in the management and management of surgery. Preoperative preparation is essential and should always be checked and ensured to avoid errors. During surgery. During surgical procedures, various problems can occur such as surgery on the wrong organ, even the wrong person. Damage that can be inflicted on the patient due to the lack of standardized preoperative, operative and post operative procedures. It is therefore important to identify the causes of the patient's injuries and to take action to correct or reduce any actions that are not safe for the patient. The operating team working together should use their knowledge and skills in order to to prevent a significant proportion of life
threatening complications. Preoperative preparation should be extensive in order to assess general health and to the patient, to determine the risk of surgery and to be a guide for preoperative preparation. Quality depends primarily on the history, knowledge and experience of the surgeon, as patients often do not pay attention to the most important symptoms of the disease. be defined, with all its features.
Aim of the paper: To include as much education as possible for patients for preoperative and postoperative techniques that affect a better outcome during surgery.
Material and method: In order to fulfill the set goal, a history was made as an important factor and an appropriate assessment of the health condition of patients before surgery. Preoperative assessment includes: complete history and physical examination, complete blood count and urine examination, blood group determination An ECG and biochemical blood tests should be performed on people over the age of 40. A physical examination includes an examination of the body, in which the doctor first considers the patient's appearance, height, nutrition and whether he leaves impression of a mild, moderate or severely ill patient. Usually the examination starts from the head down, and depending on the patient's symptoms are
usually examine the throat, the external ear canal with the eardrum (otoscopy), the thyroid gland of the neck. The descriptive method of work is applied.
Results: From the performed diagnostic procedures before each operation, the initial diagnosis and the technique for surgical intervention are determined. .
Conclusion: The care, treatment and education of such diseases are part of surgical conditions or chronic diseases that sooner or later undergo surgery. Diagnosed disease at an early stage can be cured. One or more treatment options can be applied depending on the type and stage of the disease, so early detection of the disease leads to beneficial results for both the patient and the medical staff.


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How to Cite

Chapevska, E., & Panova, G. (2021). CARE, TREATMENT AND EDUCATION OF PATIENTS BEFORE AND AFTER SURGERY. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 46(4), 577–580. Retrieved from