
  • Bojan Jordanovski Faculty of Medical Sciences, Goce Delchev University, Stip Republic of North Macedonia
  • Gordana Panova Goce Delchev University, Stip Republic of North Macedonia


children with special needs, autism, education, care


There are still no specific drugs in the treatment of autism. A number of methodologies have been used in evacuating the safety and effectiveness of pharmacological treatments in adults and children with autism. Two parameters are especially important in the studies, and that is the existence of "control groups" and "blind". The highest quality studies use both "blind" and "control groups" equally. They should be conducted in a larger number of places and contain a larger number of subjects.
Research evaluating the drugs proposed in the treatment of autism is constantly growing. There is a noticeable accelerated emphasis on the need for drug testing and better treatment information, which should be faster and more readily available than in the past.
This paper will discuss the causes of autism, its features, mechanism, the following types of drugs and types of therapies. Will be covered for drug therapy: such as Fenfluramine, Haloperidol and Naltrexone and soon Secretin
Diet therapy: such as Magnesium + B6, Sulfate metabolism, casein and gluten free diets, Behavioral therapy: such as Lovaas method, specific therapeutic models: such as TEACCH, Option and Groden Institute Model, Higashi. Aim of the work: to get involved in the greatest possible education regarding people with special needs and with our help to improve their way and quality of life.
Material and method: Autism research is done by collecting data from a number of centers for children with special needs, papers in which anonymous research is done and their comparison. From the research, processing and analysis of the achieved results, conclusions and recommendations for the subject topic will be separated. The descriptive method of work has been applied.
Results: Early diagnosis instills hope that early intervention would have the greatest "healing" effect. However, it is not clear enough what kind of intervention it could be. Opportunities provided by early detection and diagnosis of a child with autism include early treatment, educational planning, improvement in cognitive and behavioral functioning, improvement of peer relations, reduction of autistic symptoms, implementation of professional support, genetic counseling.
Many professionals resist making "difficult" diagnoses on younger children for a variety of reasons, not to stigmatize the child, not to burden the parents, or because of a possible misdiagnosis. Parents often stated that they were "relieved" after the diagnosis because they understood the reasons why their child had a different way of developing and behaving, and thus could seek appropriate help for their child.
Conclusion: This topic will cover children with special needs and we will put special emphasis on children with autism. Care, treatment and education for such diseases. The characteristic symptoms of autism appear all over the world, in such a way that autistic people do not differ drastically from the rest of the population, and there is also no sharp line between the milder and more severe pathological cases of autism. Autism is a disorder that is affecting more and more children, and is most likely to occur at an early age or later in life, and generally continues at the same rate of development without decreasing in intensity. Parents usually notice symptoms in the first two years. Symptoms usually develop gradually, but there are exceptions in some children with autism, which first develop normally and then develop backwards. the specialist work itself.


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How to Cite

Jordanovski, B., & Panova, G. (2021). CARE, TREATMENT AND EDUCATION IN CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF KUMANOVO. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 46(4), 655–659. Retrieved from