
  • Branko Mihailović Institute of Agricultural Economics Belgrade, Serbia
  • Katica Radosavljević Faculty of Economics, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Vesna Popović Institute of Agricultural Economics Belgrade, Serbia


business ethics, morale, academic discipline, economy, science, capitalism


The subject of this paper is business ethics as an academic discipline, which is analyzed through the prism of its development, the influence of scientific research and technological development on the enterprise and its ethics, and through interested actors for its improvement. In order for the analysis to be successful, and the data and conclusions that have been relevant are relevant, it is necessary to locate the problem in the broader context of economic events, in order to identify the basic influences on the paths of developing business ethics as an academic area - which, ultimately, , the main objective of this study. The methodology of research in work was selected to support the basic research objectives. In this sense, several methods have been used. Namely, a historical method was used in analyzing the emergence and development of business ethics as the academic area and the various schools of thought that are relevant for a more detailed understanding of the investigated area. Consequently, the method of model analysis was used to analyze different theoretical concepts of business ethics. Also, a general scientific method has been used, with the aim of discovering certain phenomena in business ethics and specific links with the socio-economic context and the impact on the business of the company. There has been a growing specialization on the academic and intellectual horizons, motivated by a variety of old and new disciplines and complex areas of research. Also, the fund of scientific and technological knowledge and relevant information has increased significantly recently. All this influenced the development of business ethics. Since modern business is rich in various ethical issues and doubts, with the simultaneous weakening of public morals and traditional values, a new research motive and new research specialization in the field of business ethics has emerged. The development of business ethics during the last thirty years of the 20th century has been accelerated and multifunctional. Business schools have formed study programs in business ethics: students have begun to receive doctoral degrees in this field; centers of business ethics have expanded to numerous universities. The results of the research indicate that business ethics is a significant factor in the business operations of companies in modern conditions, but it has also undergone rapid adaptation to the goals and requirements of education in the 21st century. In such conditions, the two biggest challenges of business ethics at the moment are the changed business environment due to globalization, as well as redefining the target function of the company according to the concept of sustainability: economic development, responsible attitude towards society, environmentally sound business. Business ethics is also important because it provides knowledge that goes beyond traditional business school study programs. It also opens and offers solutions to some of the most important issues facing modern economies and societies. The subject of this academic field can therefore be enriched because it provides us with valuable support and skills that are useful for business. Finally, it allows us to understand the modern economy and society in a systematic and objective way, which can lead to the development of the ability to solve many life challenges and problems that are not directly related to business and education.


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How to Cite

Mihailović, B., Radosavljević, K., & Popović, V. (2022). DEVELOPMENT OF BUSINESS ETHICS AS ACADEMIC AREAS. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 52(1), 73–78. Retrieved from