
  • Maya Vasileva Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Geology and Geography, Sofia - Bulgaria


geography training, control, assessment


The “modern” geography training is determined by a variety of specific features. Firstly, they are related to the goals of geography education and secondly – to geography methodic. Contemporary geography training is aiming not only at development of cognitive competence of pupils but also to cultivate their methodical, social and emotional competence and respectively the accomplishment of specific behavioral model. For the training process it means problem-centered orientation and usage of activity-centered (“learning by doing”) principles and individual approach. It is considered that the learning process is successful when it is based on transparency and clarity, motivation, cognitive activity, positive thinking and personal attitude.
Evidently, the following questions arise:
 How to implement the training control in such conditions?
 How to measure and assess the real achievements of pupils/students?
In presented paper the answers of stated questions are explored using the “Rendel model”. It offers a fruitful theoretical framework for control and assessment in geography education and investigates such important aspects like: the personal management of learning process; role and place of basic geography literacy; activity orientation of new methods in geography training which stimulate the development of social, methodical, emotional and personal competence of students; development of " feedback culture" between the teacher and the pupils/students; different ways of controlling and evaluating the students‘ achievements; the role of control and evaluation in development of student’s logical thinking and "long lasting" learning etc.
Regarding the control and evaluation under a new methodology of geography training, we think the Rendel model would have a great potential for real application. In conclusion, we point out that the change in geography teaching methodology inevitably causes changes in the "culture of learning", respectively in control and evaluation. Although concepts such as "modern" methodology, "new learning methods", "modern geography training" have been affected, it would be wrong to think that the "old" proven methodology should be dismissed easily. These are the reasons to seek opportunities for adapting the Rendel model in geography education in our country.


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How to Cite

Vasileva, M. (2017). “RENDEL MODEL” – A DIFFERENT APPROACH FOR CONTROL AND ASSESSMENT IN GEOGRAPHY TRAINING. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 20(2), 647–651. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/5303