
  • Miranda Sabriu Bexheti


migrations, Macedonia, reasons, politics, economic


There is probably no country in the world that has not been affected by migrations. Migrations as a process of peoples’ movement from one place to another due to different reasons and different circumstances are a well known term for everyone. As such, we can say that the history of mankind itself starts with some kind of migration because even the first people in the world have moved to different places until they have found better conditions. However, people move to other countries every time they can today, due to better job conditions, religious beliefs, political reasons, and economical ones. Globalized economies enhance different opportunities and people want to seize them. Migrations not always negatively affect the economies of countries but in most of the cases yes. The focus of the study is on the reasons why citizens in Macedonia would choose to move to another country. The study is based on a survey which was conducted with 200 participants, both Albanians and Macedonians. Their age varies from under 20 to over 40, as it will be presented in the results below. Most of the respondents are female without a prior choice of the author. The results of the study show clearly that the number one reason why habitants in Macedonia choose to migrate in more developed countries is related to better economical conditions. This is based on the answers given by them in the question where the respondents are asked to choose the reasons why they would migrate. However, this is also supported by the answers in other questions which have to do with the number of family members and the monthly incomes. The majority of the respondents chose 3-5 family members, and answered that their family incomes are less than 500 hundred euro monthly. Another following reason according to them is the political situation in the country, which according to them instead of getting better keeps getting worse. In the end of the study, there are some recommendations for further and more fruitful research.


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How to Cite

Sabriu Bexheti, M. (2017). A STUDY ON THE MIGRATIONS’ REASONS IN THE SOUTH WESTERN PART OF REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 20(2), 671–675. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/5306