
  • Rumiana Budjeva Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria


radicalization, terrorism, signs, radicalization techniques, stages


The issue of the danger of Islamic radicalism and the transition to real terrorist acts has become more and more relevant in recent years and requires a serious theoretical and empirical analysis. Until recently, there was a widespread perception that radicals tend to be predominantly Muslims, representing the low social strata of society. However, the facts of recent years have shown that radicalization is an individual process and manifests itself at all levels of society, regardless of gender, social and ethnic origin, economic status or educational background. This turns violent radicalization into a complex problem that depends on complex networking factors that are still neither accurately identified nor sufficiently studied. It is not triggered by a single motive and there is no single cause or inevitable path, but is usually the result of combining different conditions and prerequisites. Moreover, there is no fixed period of time in which radicalization grows into terrorism, and each case is strictly individual. This makes the picture of the radicalization process quite vague, which prevents the adoption of adequate and concrete countermeasures. In this context, this article focuses on the process of radicalization itself. Some of our main research questions are: How do terrorists become such? What are the signs of recognizing a beginning radicalization process? How does the process of radicalization and how can it be recognized and prevented? What are the factors and conditions that trigger this process and create a favorable environment for potential radicalization? In what steps does radicalization pass? The answers to these questions would bring us at least a little closer to adequate prevention, since it is important to recognize the signs of radicalism, to work with vulnerable people and groups, and to prevent radicalism from becoming terrorism. The analysis, conclusions and recommendations in the article are based on empirical research as well as on the overview and systematization of the main perspectives in the scientific literature as well as the opinions of experts and specialists in the field of ethnic minorities, Islamic religion and culture, security and other relevant areas. Finally, some conclusions and suggestions for urgent action are being made to reduce the risk of Islamic radicalization and the threat of terrorism


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How to Cite

Budjeva, R. (2017). EXPLORING THE RADICALIZATION PROCESS – INDICATIONS, FACTORS AND STAGES. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 20(2), 857–862. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/5330

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