
  • Dessislava Poleganova Bulgaria


field trip (school trip), geography training, “big” methods (macro methods)


Field trips (school trips) are a traditional question in geography education and it is naturally due to its particular importance. Using field trips the students learn more about the surrounding environment (geographical space) and foreign countries and nations, and respectively about their homeland in direct observation and in its natural state. The important features of school trip are: stimulation of activity for understanding and acquiring the geography curriculum content; learning the notions on the basis of “superior” observation; cultivating students’ practical skills and habits; developing cognitive competence of students and it also has a strong positive impact on pupils’ health condition. Furthermore, it is very valuable to investigate the different functions and purposes which excursions can perform in particular stages of learning process: in introduction - to motivate and address the problematic situation and subject matter; in presentation of new content - to gather materials and information; in assessment - to strengthen and deepen the learnt information; in transfer – to transmit and apply acquired knowledge and skills.
The above-mentioned arguments are the basis for our scientific interest in this research field. According to us, the traditional presentation of field trips in geography training methodic in Bulgaria can be improved and enriched with up-to-date notions and interpretations from “modern” didactics (in our country and abroad). If we search for accomplishing the full effectiveness of field trip, than we should present it in a new plan using analysis of it in a different perspective. The field trip is accepted as specific methodic category - a big one and part of the so-called “big” methods in geography training (macro methods). Such thesis is proven with the following features of field trip:
 it has "internal structure and target orientation";
 it has a specific character (respectively "more closed" or "more open");
 it has well-defined targeting (to develop cognitive competence or activity).
In current paper is presented a different notion about field trip (school trip) related to its:
 nature;
 specific features;
 role and position in geography training.


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How to Cite

Poleganova, D. (2017). FIELD TRIPS (EXCURSIONS) – NEW POSSIBILITIES TO IMPROVE THE GEOGRAPHY TRAINING. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 20(2), 887–890. Retrieved from