
  • Arbëresha Mehaj UKZ University – Gjilan, Kosovo
  • Sadik Haxhiu UKZ University – Gjilan, Republic of Kosovo


strategic management, school development plans, strategic ideas, environment management


Strategic management has become a vital part of the entire school environment. The effective strategic planning and management decisions are key to focusing on the future, planning a road and following actions to meet the needs of the education system and the entire society. To put more light into this issue, we studied the relevant literature, used results of the visits of 20 schools in Kosovo and results of the questionnaire with directors, teachers and students in 10 Kosovo schools.
The aim of this article, based on the findings of the qualitative and quantitative research in Kosovo schools, is to analyze the context in which strategies decision are made, identify and suggest some managerial tools that can be used by school’s management when planning, developing and monitoring school development plans, and analyze to what extend the environmental strategic ideas are incorporated into the school planning. The suggestions can be used by school management and staff to amend the current planning and plan successfully the next strategic management cycle and develop school plans for a number of years.


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How to Cite

Mehaj, A., & Haxhiu, S. (2017). MANAGEMENT OF THE SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT: INCORPORATION OF STRATEGIC IDEAS INTO SCHOOL PLANNING. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 20(2), 1053–1058. Retrieved from