
  • Vyara Zhekova G.S. Rakovski National Defence College, Bulgaria
  • Subin Subev Vasil Levski National Military University - Veliko Turnovo Province, Bulgaria


teachers of the future, universities of the future, distance learning


Teachers of the future?! It is a mystery in these words! What are they, the future teachers? What qualities and skills do they have to achieve in order to full success in theirs work? Will the teacher of the future be so different from today? Any position of a high-level professional - and a thousand years ago, today and far in the future, must clearly present knowledge to its learners. What will succeed as a knowledge of their learners depends on everything from their personal and professional qualities. Modern students undoubtedly highly appreciate not only the knowledge, but also the erudition, the attitude towards them and the themes, the leadership skills, the interesting and informative lectures, the ability to show the practical application of the presented knowledge. This means that the teacher of the future is not only a lecturer, but also an organizer and a consultant for his trainees. The task is difficult, it is only in the hands of highly qualified professors who are faithful to their profession to keep up with time.
Informing the concurrent society has led to the introduction of innovative approaches to the learning process. Conditions were created for organizing distance learning courses based on sophisticated distance and virtual learning technologies. In Bulgaria, the Interactive System "Black Board" is now in use. As a result, original distance learning methods based on the latest information technology and communication facilities are created. Distance learning is becoming an extremely popular form of acquiring knowledge, enjoying its convenience and flexibility. It removes the main obstacle that many professionals and business people face in continuing education. Distance learning methods based on the latest technological advances, with a high degree of long-distance coverage in the near future, will play a particularly important role.
The global trend towards non-traditional forms of learning can be seen in the growing number of universities that introduce training in these technologies. In the coming years, the main problem of the development of distance learning, both in Bulgaria and abroad, will be related to increased competition in this quite profitable segment of the market economy.
Bulgaria could be the ideal country for introducing distance learning of the most cohesive nature, with our high-level scholars, the world rank of leading university professors and specialists, as well as the high level of Bulgarian specialists in the field of interactive technologies. Such steps undoubtedly could eventually lead to a significant increase in the quality of training in the future global knowledge society.


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How to Cite

Zhekova, V., & Subev, S. (2017). TEACHERS AND UNIVERSITIES OF THE FUTURE - THE CONCEPTUAL MODERN CHALLENGES OF BULGARIA AND THE WORLD. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 17(1), 25–30. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/5363