
  • Radomir Popovski UKIM – Skopje, Republic of Macedonia


(formal/non-formal) education, strategy, student, technology of the knowledge


Each state, well the Rapublic of Macedonia, within the general strategy of education, actually represents a conception of certain education system, long term viewed, and is based on long term objectives of education. It implies certain education system to form in line with the goal that the country aspires to achieve through primary and higher education. Most conceptions of education repose of class-subject-lesson school system, as in the Balkan region and beyond, and in nine year duration of the existence of different variations. The paper defined upbringing-educational system of the Republic of Macedonia. Class-subject-lesson school system of Comenius is being reviewed from several aspects. The appearance of formal learning is defined, respectively class-subject-lesson school system. Listed are the advantages and disadvantages, both in methodological terms and in his stereotypy, and especially in the transfer of knowledge that sets the student into the objective position. Into the purpose for omni-round development of the student, its active participation in upbringing-educational processes – are presented the achievements of some experimental schools as Summerhill School. The Dalton Plan is presented as a kind of non-formal learning, and its implications for the goal of individualized work are being previewed, as well as teaching techniques whose task is – teaching based on the freedom of the student to choose a specific problematic content according to his affinities, abilities and capabilities in which he gives his maximum. The formal and non-formal approach to education is comparatively analyzed. The paper traced the frontal versus individualized work with students and their effects. Listed are some examples of non-formal approach (India, Pakistan and Israel) which are still dominated by religious or other provenance, as well as some modern approaches into upbringing-educational processes through methodological innovations, based on scientific research and practices, which are primarily designed and run by academics and experts. The purpose of this paper is to indicate the development of the educational system, the role of the school and its impact on ethical and psychological profile of a young person. Learning is not seen as a unified activity, but on the contrary, as accessible to all and lifelong. Natural and humanistic basis of the teachings of Comenius is being closely clarified. What Comenius in that period leaves as a base, was the non-formal education. However, today this education in line with advances in technology and the expansion of knowledge, represents a formal education. The conclusion that emerges is that there are many factors that affect the speed in which non-formal shifts to formal education. However, it is necessary to highlight the degree of manipulation influenced by the expansion of the informations, which may also have negative consequences. Finally, today's schools should be conceptualized in a way to help students, especially in the teacher – student relation, through adapted and content programs, technologically equipped, and teachers trained to apply the new methodological strategies in teaching and learning, with target for comprehensive development of the individual student, his psychical development, so critical and creative thinking, always in the field of followed/gradual development.


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How to Cite

Popovski, R. (2017). FORMAL OR NON-FORMAL EDUCATION. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 17(1), 85–92. Retrieved from