
  • Liljana Milanova


education, access to education, Millennium Development Goals


The inspiration and the main idea that motivated me to write this paper was the life story and the role of Malala Jusafazi as spokesman, advocate and activist for women's rights to be educated and the youngest person ever nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in history. Although we live in the 21st century when the right to education is found in all international documents pertaining to basic and fundamental values and rights that need to strive every society, however there are still areas of the world where education is at its lowest level, somewhere even prohibited. This certainly applies to states, districts and parts of the world where awareness is primarily a very low level, where religious belief is still primate, where unfortunately there was a continuous military conflicts. Currently living in the world 57 million children without access to education. Jeremich Vuk, chairman of the Assembly Generalnotot UN said "Today we are united with youth from nearly 100 countries and strive to achieve a state in which no child will be denied the right to learn, regardless of factors such as geographic regions, gender, language, wealth, ethnicity." Three million people have signed the petition which Malala has managed to encourage people to stand together behind a common purpose. Malala petition, which requires the United Nations to achieve the second objective of the Millennium Development, which includes universal primary education for all children in the world. According to this goal by 2015 children from around the world will be able to attend elementary school. UN Secretary General Ban Ki Mun said that the UN undertake to provide education for all children through the first Global Education Initiative. The Millennium Development Goals are eight international development goals that all 192 Member States of the United Nations and at least 23 international organizations have agreed to achieve by 2015. They include eradicating extreme poverty, reducing the rate of child mortality, combating deadly diseases such as AIDS, achieving universal primary education and developing a global partnership for development. Millennium Development Goals derived from the Millennium Declaration of the United Nations. According to the declaration, every individual has the right to dignity, freedom, equality, basic standard of living, which includes freedom from hunger and violence, and spurs tolerance and solidarity. The Millennium Development Goals aim to establish these ideas through setting targets and indicators for poverty reduction in order to achieve the rights contained in the Declaration in the next fifteen years.


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How to Cite

Milanova, L. (2017). FUTURE TEACHERS THROUGH ACCESS TO EDUCATION. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 17(1), 115–118. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/5376