
  • Aleksandar M. Damnjanović Faculty of Diplomacy and Security, Serbia



labor rights, safety and health at work, earnings


After the great crisis, the wave of investments started in the previous few years in the construction sector
has continued this year as well, and the Republic of Serbia is still waiting for the period in which the construction of
capital infrastructure and ancillary facilities will be dominant. Whether the recovery of the construction industry also
meant the improvement of the position of workers in it, or whether the problems they pointed out remained during
the crisis, is the main topic of this paper and the previously conducted research on the basis of which conclusions
were drawn. The aim of this paper is to point out the importance of respecting the rights of workers in the
construction industry, because it is one of the foundations for the functioning of the modern construction sector to
which we aspire and such a society as a whole. Changing the attitude towards construction workers and respecting
their right to dignified, safe and healthy work is the first step towards solving the growing problem of their going
abroad and creating stable conditions for further growth and development of this activity.
The paper is the result of research on the project "Improving the capacity of trade unions for the protection of labor
rights and labor relations of construction workers in Serbia" (contract number: 2020-3/3), funded by SOLIDAR
Suisse/Swiss Labor Assistance SLA/-Office in Belgrade, and realized by the Center for Applied Research and
Strategic Planning in Southeast Europe.


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How to Cite

M. Damnjanović, A. (2021). CONSTRUCTION WORKERS IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA - BETWEEN JUSTICE AND LAW. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 47(1), 225–230.