
  • Marija Magdinceva-Sopova University Goce Delcev-Stip, Republic of North Macedonia
  • Aneta Stojanovska-Stefanova University Goce Delcev-Stip, Republic of North Macedonia


small enterprises, crisis situation, policies, measures, Covid-19


The current processes of global integration and the emergence of a health, economic and energy crisis caused by the impact of the Covid-19 virus a period longer then two years have changed the entrepreneurial concept of small business operations. The global crisis and the current situation in the environment have caused major changes in the work ethic of all companies as well as in the work of entrepreneurs. Small enterprises are drivers of the economic growth and creators of new and sustainable jobs.
The global health crisis has caused a number of problems for small businesses. Typically, small businesses are associated with entrepreneurial initiative and are characterized by the ability to adapt to dynamic and specific operating conditions. Although the current pandemic working conditions are a challenge and an opportunity for certain companies, most small businesses face significant problems at work such as reduced workload, reduced income, problems with debt collection, employee health problems.
Many companies faced serious challenges and problems, from the physical closure of the company, or facing significant problems such as adapting and introducing changes to work from home, problems with providing appropriate IT technology, the disability of employees to work due to health reasons as well as the inability to perform work from home due to the characteristics of the work process itself.
Introduced restrictions on social distancing and changes in demand in terms of structure and scope have led to the closure of a number of small enterprises. All this forced the entrepreneurs to introduce significant changes in the operation in order to quickly adapt the operation of the company to the changes in the environment.
The Covid crisis negatively affects the productivity and profits realized by small enterprises. That is why many companies are achieving negative financial results. In these conditions, cooperation between state institutions and enterprises is of great importance.
In order to adapt to the new situation and improve the work of small enterprises is the application of appropriate policies and measures by the state which will help enterprises to more easily overcome the unplanned crisis situation. Because small enterprises are characterized by specific characteristics, this paper will provide a theoretical overview of the measures adopted by the state. Therefore, the paper will provide a theoretical overview of the policies and measures adopted by the Government of RS Macedonia in order to recover and overcome the crisis. Policies and measures by the state have proved necessary to overcome the crisis..


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How to Cite

Magdinceva-Sopova, M., & Stojanovska-Stefanova, A. (2022). POLICIES AND MEASURES FOR RECOVERY OF SMALL ENTERPRISES FROM COVID-19 PANDEMIC. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 52(1), 51–55. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/5670