
  • Snezhana Ristevska-Jovanovska University St. Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of economics, Skopje, North Macedonia
  • Aleksandra Ikonomova Founder at FACE Branding Agency, Oslo, Norway


Fluid products, collective intelligence, reduction, reusable


Fluid products or “One-fits-All” trend is about ignoring social constructs and not allowing society to limit
us by pushing their stereotypes on us. We like cloths that don`t need ironing, easy to wash and dry fast. It`s a start of
a new era of a care-free lifestyle. New times require generic, easy to use and adjustable products: resizing, multifunctional,
portable, unisex, color changing, gender fluid, reusable, products with sharing capabilities. The gap
between different age groups and life stages is reduced, with adults and children alike consuming the same
entertainment, participating in the same leisure activities and buying the same fashion items. Flexibility is the name
of the game. With a growing remote workforce, consumers’ daily lives are fluid and brands must adapt to lifestyles
no longer defined by 9-5 work cultures.” The Aim of this Academic Research is to show the correlation between
user’s lifestyle and how they experience fluid products. As a result, companies can design more fluid products and
society can transform into sharing economy. In the initial phases of the research, was taken assistance of: Black
Tech companies, New Retail Businesses and Trend Research Agencies to participate in formulating solid
environment, recourses and parameters for the research planning part. 150 volunteers at the age between 25 and 75,
before filtering and 50 volunteers after the second-round filtration actively participated in getting consensus on their
perception of Fluid Products, and what triggers changes on their behavior, regarding the product adoptability. The
research period was operating in the last year and their consumption status has been tracked within this period. Open
Ended Questions were used to define repeating patterns of maximum likelihood. In order to deepen the analysis,
Mixed method of empirical and qualitative analysis was used to formulate questionnaires and increase the level of
accuracy. Experienced Psychologists and Product Designers were selected as a dimension to estimate the result. This
study is also the first, as known by the authors, to examine the direct effect of fluidity of the products on the
perceived value of the purchase.


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How to Cite

Ristevska-Jovanovska, S., & Ikonomova, A. (2022). FLUID PRODUCT – ADOPTIVE PRODUCT ACROSS DIFFERENT USERS AND SCENARIOS. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 55(1), 39–44. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/5680