
  • Marina Mijatovic Institute for Serbian Culture Prishtina - Leposavic, Republic of Serbia
  • Borivoje Baltezarevic Institute for Serbian Culture Prishtina - Leposavic, Republic of Serbia


women, inheritance, tradition, customs, law


In the following text, the authors of this paper deal with the issue of prevailing customs and compliance
with established legal norms regarding female members. Namely, it is noticeable that customs, rooted for many
years among the people, prevail during inheritance, where women appear as heirs, in relation to legal norms.
Sociological and legal analysis tells us that traditional behavior took precedence over inheritance by law. With the
development of civilization, humanity still carried patriarchal upbringing, therefore, there is subordination of female
members in relation to male family members.
The aim of this paper is to examine the perception and strengthen the awareness of certain population groups where
women are still in an unequal position due to cultural traditions. With the development of the population, the legal
position of women changed in a positive aspect compared to earlier times. The modernist development cycle did not
succeed in discrediting traditional upbringing and customs as a whole, because even today, women are trapped in
old traditions and, accordingly, give up their inheritance in favor of a male family member, even though that
inheritance belongs to her by law. Not freed from patriarchal influence, a woman, in addition to enjoying all the
rights regarding inheritance today, because the Law on Inheritance establishes it for her, feels discomfort when
inheriting part of the property, resulting in a reality in which women are still in an unequal position in relation to
male heirs. When we say unequal position, we specifically mean the feeling of guilt when accepting inherited
property, because it is the influence of stereotypes of the previous time and women's upbringing in the family,
according to which persons of the female sex would be deprived of inheritance.
In modern society, the legal position of women is reflected in their greater awareness of their rights, and rooted
traditional behavior is increasingly being overcome by the arrival of new generations.


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How to Cite

Mijatovic, M., & Baltezarevic, B. (2022). WOMEN HEIRS - CULTURAL AND LEGAL ASPECTS. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 55(1), 137–141. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/5691