
  • Styliani Valasi South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Bulgaria


Carl Orff, Polyxeni Mateu, Greek music education, primary education, new music education program


The aim of present research is to investigate the music pedagogical work of Carl Orff with the main goal
of proving its dissemination in Greece, its adaptation to Greek data and its influence on Greek music education, with
Polyxeni Mateu as the forerunner of this process. Polyxeni Mateu played a decisive role in spreading Orff's
educational work in Greece, because she was the first one who, after studying with him in Germany, adopted the
same educational goals as him and wanted to return and realize them in Greece.A source of this research was the
collection regarding the modern pedagogical practices of music teaching in primary education focusing on the
widespread "idea" of the Orff system.Carl Orff was one of the most important figures of the 20th century in the field
of music and music education. His restless spirit gave birth to an innovative and completely innovative music
pedagogical idea, which differed both in its content and in its goals from any other until then. The main goal of his
music pedagogical conception was the musical development of the child, but also the development of his all-round
personality, through creative musical activities during which the relationship that the child develops with music is
completely experiential and interactive with a central focus on improvisation and game.The product of this
conception is the creation of the music-pedagogical work Orff-Schulwerk. According to the etymology of the word
"Schulwerk", the work was intended to be introduced in schools and was created to fulfill the goals of Orff's idea of
music education. Sculwerk provides a fairly large range of suggested songs and exercises to enhance the way Orff
promoted music education, rather than adhering to their literal and sequential instruction. As the work spread
internationally, Orff tried to emphasize to musicologists and educators who showed interest in his work that Orff-
Schulwerk is not an exportable product ready to be played in any country, but a work that should be adapted to
music. heritage of each people so that through this process the cultural elements of each people that are taught are
highlighted beyond the work.
This research is a first approach to creating a thorough analysis of Orff's idea with the aim of applying it to the
primary education of Greek schools. Μoreover, through the study of other modern music education systems,
research, I intend to develop the idea of a model music education program that will adapt to the practices required by
the technological development of our era. The research is based on an updated bibliographic review through articles,
books, scientific works of the past and recent years.


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How to Cite

Valasi, S. (2022). ORFF MUSIC-PEDAGOGICAL CONCEPT IN GREEK PRIMARY SCHOOLS. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 55(2), 229–232. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/5704