
  • Penka Marcheva St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria


goal setting, music education, primary education, taxonomic aspects


The publication examines one of the main aspects of the modern educational process, which is related to
setting and realization of educational goals. It presented through the lens of music education in Bulgarian schools.
Given the limited volume of the publication, the focus is placed on the music education process in primary education
(grades 1-4).
In theoretical terms, some views on the essence of goal setting, on its role in the implementation of an effective
music educational process in primary school, are examined. Its relation to the teacher's control and assessment skills
is emphasized. Emphasis is placed on the so-called "taxonomic approach" in formulating learning objectives in
music education in primary education.
Two of the main taxonomies used in modern learning are presented. The first of them is B. Bloom's taxonomy,
through which cognitive skills are hierarchized. Since its use is relatively limited in modern music primary
education in Bulgaria, projections of its application in the educational content regulated by the curricula for 1st - 4th
grades are presented.
The other taxonomy subject of research in the present publication is that of Krathwohl. It is essentially an "affective
taxonomy" and is tied to the realm of emotions. Given the specificity of the art of music, arising from its emotional
nature, it can be reasonably argued that it is a language that recreates emotions and feelings in a unique way. In
methodological literature so far no attempts have been made to examine the presence of Krathwohl’s taxonomy in
modern education, specifically in music. For this reason, the presentation of this issue can be defined as a challenge
for the author of the present publication.
In its conclusion, the role of these taxonomies for setting and grading goals and tasks in the music educational
process, for the selection of educational content and methods for its teaching and assessment is emphasized.


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How to Cite

Marcheva, P. (2022). GOAL SETTING IN MUSIC EDUCATION IN PRIMARY EDUCATION - TAXONOMIC ASPECTS. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 55(2), 233–239. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/5705