
  • Stella Vasileva Kindergarten Pchelitsa, Shumen, Bulgaria


bee, children, kindergarten, ecological culture


The report’s main accent is to raise the informational awareness of children and society as a whole
concerning the conservation of bees vital for the survival of humanity and planet Earth. It addresses the topic of bees
and their role as an important factor in the ecological balance in nature and its application in the educational process
with children in kindergarten. An overview has been made on the advocated educational content concerning bees
according to the state educational standard in preschool education. A perspective has been presented that this topic
would be integrated in a deeper manner into the educational process in kindergarten. We have pointed out the
significance of bees in relation to the existence of our world as a whole. There is a review derived from different
sources concerning the seriousness of the matter. An overview has been presented on the importance of forming
initial knowledge on bees in preschoolers. A connection has been presented between acquiring knowledge on bees
and forming initial ecological culture in children in the process of the pedagogical interaction in kindergarten.
Opportunities are pointed out that would help teachers in these types of activities. A game activity is being pointed
out as a prioritized activity for achieving competences in the process of pedagogical interaction between the teacher
and the child. There are options for purposeful and consistent work with children through project activities. In its
main part a survey has been conducted in relation with specific competences of the teachers about the life of bees. A
practical experience has been presented on accessible application with specific activities added to it. After
presenting the applied experience a conclusion has been made on the importance of the additional teaching that
forms knowledge concerning the life of bees and their significance for the existence of the world. Information has
been presented to a degree of relevant presence on the topic of bees in the educational content with children in
preschool age. This increases the quality of the educational process in kindergarten. The popularization of the issue
on bees is being used as a recommendation. This will increase society’s attention on the crucial problem for our
planet’s survival, which is the decrease of bee populations. It will draw the attention of other educational
institutions and will introduce them to a shared practical experience with the possibility of following this cause.


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How to Cite

Vasileva, S. (2022). CHILDREN AND BEES – AN INTERNAL PROJECT ACTIVITY WITH THE MEANS OF FORMING COMPETENCES. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 55(2), 363–368. Retrieved from