emotional intelligence, anxiety, motivation, conflicts, frustration, empathy, responsibility, individuality, self-awareness, self – management, social engagementAbstract
The report examines the necessary changes in the modern education system, through which answers are
given to the adequate needs of society and the requirements of every student. The emphasis is placed on the role of
the school in building important qualitative characteristics of the student’s personality, related to his moral and
emotional development. The need to achieve a balance between the rational and the emotional in the learning
process is emphasized. In the context of the problem of the development of emotional intelligence, questions related
to the emotional status of the student at primary school age are considered. Special attention is paid to the level of
school anxiety amongstudents in the initial educational stage of primary education. The analyzed data from the
conducted empirical study make it possible to outline difficulties and deficits in the emotional development of the
child at primary school age and, on this basis, identify possible ways to overcome them.
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