
  • Ivona Litsova Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration,Bulgaria



training process, training needs analysis, training evaluation, training program


Abstract: In today’s world of changes the organizations and employees are getting used to the post-covid work
environment. They have to adapt to working from home and moving to the entirely online way of work or need to
go back to the office and tackle with the changed work life that includes restrictions and new regulations. The
performance of the employees becomes even more important than before and many of the bottlenecks within the
organizations are caused by lack of knowledge and skills and not the right attitude and behavior of the people.
Companies do not have the resources to meet all their training needs and the analysis of these needs has become
very important. The main objective of the study is to assess the importance of the training needs analysis (TNA) for
the entire training process and for the work of the employees. It also provides a comparison between the manager’s
and the employee’s points of view in terms of the analysis of the training needs and the assessment of the training
results. TNA is the initial step of the training process in the organization. It is essential for the overall training and
educational strategy and has impact both on the company and on the individual. Training needs analysis is the data
collection behind the decision that the organization makes whether to perform a training and will it improve the
performance of the employees, will it be beneficial for the business, on one hand, and who should attend this
training, on the other hand. The assessment of the training needs is a fundamental process to a useful and successful
training program. This process for gathering data for the training needs in the company determines the gap in terms
of skills and knowledge in the employees to perform current and future work in the best way and helps the
organization accomplish its objectives by ordering or developing the needed training program. The article includes
different definitions for TNA and gives the main characteristics of the process. It also describes the importance of
the analysis for the preparation of the training program. For the purposes of the study, two surveys were conducted –
one among manager and one among employees. They check the attitudes towards the TNA process and the
evaluation of training which shows whether goals are actually reached. Training needs analysis is connected to the
evaluation process, which the last step in the training process. According to the survey, most companies do not
perform deep analysis of the training needs and evaluate the course results only on the first step of Kirkpatrick’s
training evaluation model which is the reaction after the training. The results show that there is a positive
relationship between the design of the training program, the application of the content of the training and the
behavior of the employees in their work environment after the training. Since the training program is designed based
on the assessment of the training needs, the latter is of great importance for the skills, behavior and knowledge of the
employees after the course.


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