
  • Anita Cucoviċ Univerzity Hadzi Zeka, Peja, Kosovo
  • Emina Seferović Univerzity Hadzi Zeka, Peja, Kosovo


managers, innovations, management values, women in top management, Kosovo


The paper discussed about female members, and therefore we claim that the representation of women in
top management brings informational and social diversity to the benefit of the top management team, enriches the
behavior of managers throughout the company and motivates women in middle management. The report includes an
analysis of the direct result of the interviews conducted through three focus groups with 22 women working in
public institutions in decision-making positions in Kosovo. Therefore, this report represents their voice on
presenting the challenges that women face in achieving leadership positions in public institutions. These challenges
are mainly cultural, political and legal in nature. Through qualitative and quantitative methods with a comparative
approach, various variables were considered and several hypotheses were set, the first hypothesis is that the gender
difference in companies contributes to the success of the company, the second hypothesis is that the representation
of women in the highest decision-making positions is below 40%, the third hypothesis is that the representation of
women in the top management improves the company's performance. Based on the conclusions we received, we
present that the degree of challenges varies from country to country and as a society that is going through transition,
these challenges are more critical for Kosovo society. Women do not feel equal in Kosovar society at all, based on
all of the above and applying the comparative method, we conclusion, thus showing what Kosovo can learn in its
own country based on the best examples of more developed countries and how to draw practical examples for public
institutions of Kosovo. The result should be an improved performance of managerial tasks, and thus a better
performance of the company.


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Elektronski izvori:

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https://www.statista.com/chart/4871/the-countries-with-the-most-women-in-theboardroom /(15. 04. 2022.)

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https://www.hult.edu/blog/women-in-business-advantages-challenges-andopportunities /(02. 05. 2022.)

https://womensnetwork.org/sr/nasi-programi/izgradnja-kapaciteta- (16.04. 2022.)

https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/5050/women-of-kosovo-mirage-of-freedomand-equality /(10. 04.2022.)

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file:///C:/Users/HP/Downloads/ENGLISH3%20Final.pdf (14.05.2022)




How to Cite

Cucoviċ, A., & Seferović, E. (2022). WOMEN AS INTERNAL STAKEHOLDERS IN TOP MANAGEMENT. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 55(6), 1137–11463. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/5817